dental development

What makes my teeth crooked?- Scottsdale Phoenix AZ | Budd Orthodontics

May 28th, 2020

Have you ever wondered why some people are just born with great smiles and others seem to have received the short end of the stick when it comes to teeth?  Is it all just related to genetics?

There is absolutely a genetic component to how teeth develop, and genetics play into the likelihood that you will develop orthodontic problems as your adult teeth erupt.  However, this is only part of the story.  The environment in which your teeth erupt also has a significant influence on how they develop.  In fact, I have treated identical twins, who are by definition genetically identical, but when you look in their mouth, their teeth are very different.

There are a number of factors that can affect the development of your teeth and bite. One common example is thumb sucking.  Thumb sucking will change the pressure that your lips, tongue, and cheeks apply to your developing teeth and jaws. It tends to have a narrowing effect on the upper jaw and creates protrusion of the front teeth.  Patients who have sucked their thumb for a prolonged period of time often require an "expander" to undo the damage as well as braces.  We often joke with patients that the only things that should go into their mouth are food and a toothbrush.  Everything else you want to keep out.

Another example of how environment influences dental development are children who eat a lot of sugary drinks and food.  It's OK to have a sweet treat from time to time, but patients who constantly "nibble" or "sip" on sugary snacks or drinks and don't brush their teeth in between tend to get decay.  If a patient loses a baby tooth early due to decay, it can disrupt the correct order in which the permanent teeth grow in and cause significant bite problems.  If you have a child who has lost a tooth early due to decay, you should consult with an orthodontist to prevent the development of bite problems in the future.

When is the right time to see an orthodontist?

March 4th, 2019

Your smile is the centerpiece of your face. It will be your social signature for the rest of your life. Orthodontic treatment is one of the most valuable gifts you can give to your children. Because of this, many parents wonder if their child will need braces and, if so, when is the ideal time to see an orthodontist?

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children be seen at the first sign of an orthodontic problem but not later than age 7. Most children will not require orthodontic treatment at this age, but there is enough dental development to spot problems early and evaluate the growth of the jaws and the spacing available for erupting adult teeth.  If no treatment is needed, your orthodontist will likely recommend that your child be reevaluated periodically to ensure proper growth and development.

Budd Orthodontics will complete a free initial consultation to allow parents to receive information regarding their child's dental development before having to commit to any treatment. This is an opportunity to learn if treatment is needed and, if so, how long it would take and how much it would cost.  We also believe it is important for families to have an opportunity to have all their questions answered regarding any recommended treatment so they can feel confident about making an informed decision. Having your child evaluated at the right time will give you peace of mind regarding one of your chid's  most important characteristics - the development of a healthy, beautiful smile.

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