The Health Benefits of Orthodontics Extend Beyond the Straightening of Teeth
February 27th, 2019
Most of us associate orthodontics exclusively with the straightening of our teeth. This is a logical association, but the truth is that the importance and influence of orthodontics extends beyond straight teeth and an improved smile. Dr. John Budd and the staff of Phoenix-based Budd Orthodontics remind our patients in Phoenix, Scottsdale and throughout the Valley of the Sun that proper orthodontia elicits a number of health benefits that will serve you well moving forward. If you’re a candidate for a visit to the orthodontist, a better understanding of these benefits may inspire you to schedule that visit sooner than later.
Tooth Decay and Periodontal Disease – properly aligned teeth can prevent certain physical health problems, and tooth decay and periodontal disease are central among them. In terms of tooth decay, untreated orthodontic issues may exacerbate this issue. Simply put, properly aligned teeth are easier to keep clean and collect less plaque. Should plaque and tarter continue to build up in your mouth, you may be at risk of developing gingivitis and, eventually, periodontal (gum) disease. Should this condition worsen, certain teeth may become loose or have to be removed.
As you can see, even if you are making an effort to keep your teeth clean, their misalignment may render your diligence in this area ineffective. Thus the importance of scheduling an appointment with your local orthodontist to make sure your teeth are properly aligned.
Fracture or Injury – protruding upper teeth are more at risk of being broken or fractured in an accident than properly aligned teeth. Repositioning your teeth via orthodontics can greatly reduce this risk.
Improved Self-Confidence – the truth is that we live in a world in which first impressions are vital. One of the key elements of making a good first impression is your smile, and if your smile is less than stellar your self confidence is certain to be as well. Straightening your teeth is not only a good idea from a physical health standpoint. It also makes us feel more confident in social situations, at work or anywhere else in which we interact with others. Being happy with your smile is important, and a good orthodontist can create that reality for you.
The benefits of orthodontic treatment are ones that keep on giving. If you’ve been putting off scheduling your visit to an orthodontist, you owe it to yourself to call today. For your health and your self-confidence, it makes sense to see an orthodontist and begin the process of properly aligning your teeth.